Office of Industry Relations

We help to foster symbiotic relationships between industry and the Mines community.
Connect with us!
Industry Partners
For companies looking to connect, our team is here to help. Whether you are looking to make a gift, hire students, sponsor research, license technology, train your workforce, or simply looking for information, we will make the right connection for you.
Campus Partners
We are a resource portal for our students and faculty. Our team provides you with a stream-lined approach to obtain information on our corporate partners. Whether you are looking for diversity, recruitment oppotunities or a list of research partners for a specific topic area, OIR will expedite your request.
opportunities to engage
Recruit Employees
Mines has a national and international reputation for excellence in engineering, technology and applied sciences, and we prepare our students to enter industry with unparalleled technical expertise and business leadership skills. OIR and the Mines Career Center will help you develop a recruiting strategy to maximize your hiring potential, from on-campus career fairs to virtual job fairs and small interviewing events.
Elevate Engagement
There are many ways to work with Mines to increase the recognition of your company on campus such as sponsorships, targeted communications and events. Companies can also gain exposure by supporting scholarships and student groups. OIR will meet with you to better understand your corporate goals and create a customized program that helps establish a visible campus presence while bringing value to your company.
Find Research Collaborators
Mines is a global leader in research that is expanding to many highly relevant areas beyond our traditional focus on energy and environmental stewardship. Our first-rate facilities and partnerships with national and international collaborators enable us to maintain our innovative research and have a significant impact on real world problems. OIR will work with you to understand your needs and match your company with the right expert in an effort to solve the challenges your company faces. In addition, OIR can connect your company with our Office of Technology Transfer to engage with key industry leaders, venture capitalists, entrepreneurs and others in the technology-based economic development community who are potential partners in moving technologies and intellectual property to market.
Access Facilities and Equipment
OIR can provide access to Mines’ world-class facilities and specialized equipment. For example, our ADAPT center houses unique characterization equipment of which there are only three in the world. The beautiful campus, nestled in the foothills of the Rockies in Golden, Colorado, can also be the setting of your next board meeting or department retreat.
Develop your Workforce
Mines offers a wide range of educational programs, beyond our core curriculum, extending the academic services we offer such as specialized courses, industry focused programs, conferences and other activities to audiences both nationally and internationally. OIR can help you connect to our experts to create a customized program that meets your company’s needs.
Network with Industry Connections
Engaging with the Mines community can also allow your company to network with other industry partners. Through research consortia, your company benefits from leading-edge research as well as collaborates with other corporations. Companies, which support a common student group, also have the opportunity to connect at annual events. OIR can provide more details.

Office of Industry Relations Team